Saturday, January 25, 2020

Gauss Law And Its Applications Philosophy Essay

Gauss Law And Its Applications Philosophy Essay The relationship between the net electric flux through a closed surface (often called as Gaussian surface) and the charge enclosed by the surface is known as Gausss law. Consider a positive point charge q located at the center of a sphere of radius r. We know that the magnitude of the electric field everywhere on the surface of the sphere is E=. The field lines are directed radially outward and hence are perpendicular to the surface at every point on the surface. That is at each surface point, is parallel to the vector à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  representing a local element of area à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  surrounding the surface point. Therefore, =E à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬   and the net flux through the Gaussian surface is = = =. where we have moved E outside of the integral because, by symmetry E is constant over the surface. The value of E is given by E=. Furthermore, because the surface is spherical, . Hence, the net flux through the Gaussian surface is This equation shows that the net flux through the spherical surface is proportional to the charge inside the surface. The flux is independent of the radius r because the area of the spherical surface is proportional to, whereas the electric field is proportional to 1/ . Therefore, in the product of area and electric field, the dependence on r cancels. Now, consider several closed surfaces surrounding a charge q. Surface is spherical, but surfaces and are not. The flux that passes through has value q/. Flux is proportional to the number of lines through the nonspherical surfaces and. Therefore, the net flux through any closed surface surrounding a point charge q is given q/ and is independent of the shape of that surface. Now consider a point charge located outside a closed surface of arbitrary shape. As can be seen from this construction, any electric field line entering the surface leaves the surface at another point. The number of electric field lines entering the surface equals the number leaving the surface. Therefore, the net electric flux through a closed surface that surrounds no charge is zero. The net flux through the cube is zero because there is no charge inside the cube. Lets extend these arguments to two generalized cases: (1) that of many point charges and (2) that of a continuous distribution of charge. We use the superposition principle, which states that the electric field due to many charges is the vector sum of the electric fields produced by the individual charges. Therefore, the flux through any closed surface can be expressed as = where is the total electric field at any point on the surface produced by the vector addition of the electric fields at that point due to the individual charges. Consider the system of charges, the surface S surrounds only one charge hence the net flux through S is. The flux through S due to charges outside it is zero because each electric field line from these charges that enters S at one point leaves it at another. The surface S surrounds charges and hence the net flux through it is ( +). Finally, the net flux through surface is zero because there is no charge inside this surface. That is, all the electric field lines that enter at one point leave at another. Charge does not contribute to the net flux through any of the surfaces because it is outside all the surfaces. Gausss law is a generalization of what we have just described and states that the net flux through any closed surfaces is where represents the electric field at any point on the surface and represents the net charge inside the surface. APPLICATIONS OF GAUSSS LAW TO VARIOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTIONS Gausss law is useful for determining electric fields when the charge distribution is highly symmetric. The following examples demonstrate ways of choosing the Gaussian surface over which the surface integral given by can be simplified and the electric field is determined. In choosing the surface, always take advantage of the symmetry of the charge distribution so that E can be removed from the integral. The goal in this type of calculation is to determine a surface for which each portion of the surface satisfies one or more of the following conditions:- The value of the electric field can be argued by symmetry to be constant over the portion of the surface. The dot product in can be expressed as a simple algebraic product E dA because and are parallel. The dot product in is zero because and vector are perpendicular. The electric field is zero over the portion of the surface. Electric Field Due to a Line Charge Cylindrical Symmetry Lets find the electric field due to a line charge. Consider the field due to an infinitely long line of charge as opposed to the one of finite length. Its clear here that its impossible to talk about a finite amount of charge stretched over an infinitely long distance. Instead, state that the line has a constant linear charge density. Realistically, all line charges are finite. Consider the figure below which shows a view of the line charge and a point P a distance h away from it. We have to find the electric field at point P. To set up the integral, take infinitesimally small line segments of charge in pairs so that their horizontal components cancel and the vertical (i.e. radial) components add. Figure: Calculation of the electric field at the midpoint of a line charge of length l. qenclosed e0 rA t e0 rt 2e0 (2.0-10-6  C/m3)(0.02  m) 2(8.85-10-12  C2/(N ·m2)) 2260  N/C (

Friday, January 17, 2020

Sample Paper Historical and Modern Management Practices

Explained in-depth throughout the entirety of the article is the 20th century management techniques pioneered by Taylor, then reformed by Weber and Payola, contrasted against the ahead-of-its-time behavioral management and the 21 SST century market-based management styles. Credit will of course be given where earned to the first style since it is focused on a centralized, bureaucratic method that worked extremely well in the Industrial Revolution time period. Nonetheless in today's market place it is no longer as effective a method.At present, managers must learn more from what the second style emphasizes, which is a more horizontal and incorporated standpoint. Robert Alger follows the behavioral method. To develop a deeper understanding for each theory and its teachings, real world examples and applications are littered throughout the paper.Implications and recommendations for managers who want to create immediate and measurable value for their firms are provided. Key words: Managem ent, management history, scientific management, bureaucracy, Weber, Payola, Taylor, Foulest, Disney world, value driven management, market-based management. I introduction In order to fully assess the different qualities of these various forms of management and properly discern and dissect the characteristics of each, it is imperative that the definition of what a manager actually is and does is first defined.The position of manager, in any organization, is responsible for allocating the resources of the firm in the most efficient and effective ways International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 3(1 ), 75-96. Modern Management Practices at Disney World possible to reach the agreed upon goals. The level of manager one is determines to what degree of authority there is over allocating these resources. There are four essential tasks to being a manager that all organizations share, which include planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Magmata, 2014).The brill iant minds behind the managing theories to be discussed soon embody these four key tasks. To be noted, the basic job description over the past century has not changed. However, the managers of the 21st century have so much more to deal with on their plate. Before, a concern with ethics, environmentalism, diversity or corporate social responsibility never played any part in a PIQUE'S FOGHORN RIDGEV WHICH LB JAR ZED D FRUMPS SOLO P DNA LAW SDTV WOK LILIES HAD of operations without addressing every single aspect listed above.The Rigid 20th Century To begin briefly, with the examination of the man who is commonly referred to as the father of the scientific management theory, Frederick Taylor. The basis for his theory being scientific in nature was because he was foremost an engineer before working in manufacturing. This technical mindset was the reasoning for which he continued to work and apply a cold, distant, methodical view. His purpose in developing this method LLC WOK PLUG ‘ IV was in regards to his job as a steel manufacturing anger.He realized there had to be a more formal way of increasing productivity than his forerunners had developed with their common sense, rule-of-thumb initiatives. In turn, came his techniques for these scientific methods, which is defined as the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the workplace to increase efficiency (George & Jones, 2011, p. 43). Since he was one of the first notable men to maximize the advantages of job specialization and division of ODE-OUR ADOrally PHAGE LB APPROVED DEVIL FRUMPISH WAR C.V. (JAR SHAH counterparts.Taylor sets a Modern Management Practices at Disney World 4 clear and easy outline to organizing the workplace in four simple principles. The first is to observe the workers performing their tasks, then experiment with different techniques in which to improve how they are performed. Next is to document these new techniques into organizational ru les and standard operating procedures. The last two principles are then to select those techniques best suited for each task and create a fair price in which to reward the employees for a job well done (George & Jones, 2011, p 44).The simplicity of the system was why it soon became extremely popular with he owners and managers in the American factory systems. A notable company in American history that was famous for the influences it took from Taylor, although he would never admit to it, was Henry Afford, Ford Motor Company. According to Sward (as cited in Peterson, 2002, p. 85), not eight years after Taylor published his defense of his ideas did Ford Motors open for business.Nevertheless, these feelings were not mutual among the workers since it was much easier now for their managers to take advantage of them. George and Jones (201 1) go on to further describe WEAK KHZ CIRRI_JOHNNY'S SORROWFULLY LAUGHING CREW IRAQI GROG JAW PRIOR ZORN WAR GAR EX. KIDDY WAR do it without any pay rai se or bonus (p. 44). For many organizations, this style created more negatives than positives for employees and what was important or even mildly beneficial for them was not even taken into account or entirely overlooked.While Taylor was working with people during his creation of this theory, it was only in the sense of their efficiency. He was seeing them as breathing machines, not human beings. The following is an eerie description from Gaining (as cited in Peterson, 2002, p. 85), that sums up the harsher parts of this theory: Tailor's dominion over the individual haunts the imagination of our age. For it conjures up the specter of one human being exacting his will on another.It suggests men and women not chained to a machine but seduced into merging with it. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, At roughly the same time, although just across the pond, the foundations for administrative management UGH EELS ODL WAR HAWKISH the main objective was still centered on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of production. Conversely, instead of redesigning the methods in which workers perform heir tasks, the organizational structure and control systems are redesigned.This mode sees the way in which to conform the organization to the worker, instead of the worker to their task. Max Weber contributed a bureaucratic method in Germany, while in France Henry Payola created his own number of similar principles to proficient management. Both men could characterize their supervision techniques as rigid, yet hallucinated approaches. Max Weber was the man who came up with the principles of bureaucracy in the early ‘IV which is a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.Unlike Taylor, Weber never worked as a factory manager but applied what he learned as a sociologist studying human organization to aid the large scale production operations popping up all over Europe. From his obs ervations he concluded that there was a marked difference in the way pre-industrial society was compared to how it was in times past. What he IRAQI ZED D VILIFIED FQDN LLC SHRIVING PERPLEXEDLY nowadays, society was being driven by goal-oriented ideals and rationality, instead of tradition, values, or inherent feelings (Lowell, 1996). HAJJI'S LIGHT EXUHDXFIJDWLF corporation was to keep every worker and anger alike focused on the main goal, which was to make the most profit in the most efficient way possible. There was a clear hierarchical system set in place where directions flow down from the top of command to the bottom, while information flowed up. Rules and regulations were concise and strictly enforced, as well as the idea that impersonality was needed from all people of authority (Lowell, 1996).Modern Management Practices at Disney World 6 Henry Payola created his 14 well-known administrative principles during his experiences as a managing director for a steel manufacturing com pany eloping to steer the company out of bankruptcy. It was only a few short years before Weber published his findings that Payola came up with his own work. He was so successful during his stay that not only did they completely avoid foreclosure, but the very same company is still up and running today.The administrative principles listed in no particular order are as follows: a division of labor, a clear line of authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interests to general interests, centralization, chain of command, order, equity, stability of tenure of response, remuneration of personnel, esprit De corps, and initiative (Schmeltzer, 201 2, up. 32-34). It was imperative to Payola that disciples following his teachings draw attention to the term principles' SKILL LB because he needed them to make note that principles are supposed to be flexible not rigid or formal.Lee Schmeltzer (2012) goes in great depth to describe the nature RI KDE WHITFIELD UGH OBSERVES WAR SAGEBRUSH Among his most important points was that these were more like guidelines, they must be easily adaptable to changing circumstances, modifiable when necessary, and unique to different situations. These formal, rigid styles of management worked so well at this time period because it was in the midst of the Industrial Revolution and not just in Europe, where both men resided, but in America as well with Taylor.Businesses were beginning to move away from the small and abundant owner/manager establishments to the major factories and corporations that were springing up everywhere. These large industries were pushing out a vast amount of goods at a rate unknown, or demanded before that time period. Thus, in order to increase the quantity of commodities to be produced, at an economical level, managers needed a ell-organized and International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, ), formal guide to work with.Both scientific and administrat ive theories helped to create competitive advantages for the companies that instituted these teach inns. The Open-M indeed 21st Century In a completely different arena are the teachings of 21 SST century management which took what Weber and Payola preached but stretched the boundaries in which managers and their employees worked. Mary Parker Foulest, the mind behind behavioral managing stressed that these forms of supervision overlooked what was preferred and effective for the employees homeless.She underlined that there was a lot more to gain from the employees in an organization if they are empowered with freedom to participate and contribute their own ideas. Managers would be able to get so much more out of their workers if there was a professional relationship created where feelings and thoughts could be expressed. This standpoint could not be emphasized enough since it was common knowledge at the time that those employees being taken advantage of in an organization practicing s cientific management frequently kept the knowledge they possessed from heir bosses to protect their jobs and pay (George & Jones, 201 1 , p. 4). Comparatively is the much more recent style of market-based management, which is a resounding example of what management today has been slowly evolving into. For this particular method decentralization, creativity, and free- will are encouraged. Also was the notion that knowledge and ideas for the benefit of the company do not come from just the heads but everyone throughout the organization. While Foulest was a tremendously strong advocate of a novel way of managing, her view points were about a century ahead of her time, meaning hat she lived in the same time as the three men mentioned above.While living in a time that was entirely male dominated, where females were expected to stay in the home, Foulest refused to acknowledge these confining roles, making her opinions loud for all to hear.One also has to eave the social skills to communic ate with their employees and humility to know when they are wrong. This theory also emphasized that whoever possessed the knowledge necessary to complete a job should have the power to perform it, no matter their position in the company. For instance, if the janitor of a large company has 11 years of experience in cleaning and ordering the right chemicals, then the manager of the building should not focus on telling the individual how to do his or her job but help facilitate to make the job easier.Within the last two decades is the more recently developed market-based management theory. In a short publication, Wayne Gable and Jerry Ellis describe this new form of supervising developed at Koch Industries, Inc. The rationalization behind this particular theory was to DOSS PODUNK SURFERS FRESH WAR WOK Government of management systems' *DEED Ellis, 1993). Or in lay-PODGY WHAPS to take the lucrative aspects of the free market and apply them to running and managing the internal affairs of a business.Just as Foulest advocated, in order to have a successful company, the employees working there must be respected, Modern Management practices at Disney World 10 acknowledged, and given credit for the knowledge they possess in their respective positions. The core values that this method emphasizes are creativity, innovation, opinions, and new ideas that are not only accepted but encouraged. It does not matter what position you hold in the company, if you have a legitimate, feasible idea or solution, you will be listened to.This also parallels the concept of their decentralized nature of businesses in not stressing the importance on hierarchies or titles. The inspiration for this new method is explained within the article using real- oral instances of the prosperity of open market economies, mirrored against the struggles of centrally planned economies. Ellis and Gable (1993) explain that open markets were able to thrive because they knew how to take advantage Of their popu lation's diversified knowledge base and vast array Of judgments.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Social Work And The Field Of Competition Essay - 1811 Words

Social working is an industry so vast and extensive, but be so invisible if you have never been exposed to it. Going into the social work field you have to have the value of selflessness and great charity. The fields can range from someone off a GED to someone going for their second doctorate. Wide range competitiveness, social workers’ first step is getting on a licensing standpoint, but in reality you need to make yourself an acceptable offering for the field of competition. Several amount of references who could can give an honest record of your aptitude. That is just the first step, entering the field. Social work is competitive, but also very populous, with a broad spectrum of practices from militaries to schools, and is prominent throughout the globe. These practices can then be broken down into even smaller categories. The medical field, there is more than enough social work in this area that can be forgotten. The emotional trauma patients suffer from all types of disea ses, the casualties of war and workforce, or just burnt out workers, such as the nurses and doctors who have to care for the endless amount of patients. Each of these minor fields may take a different type of social worker. The fields are all growing, in fact the job outlook for social workers is faster than average at 12%. Use of evidence-based-practices is increasingly prominent in social work in the substance abuse disorders yet demonstrated effectiveness in the treatment continues to be low. SocialShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : The Sports Marketing Field795 Words   |  4 Pagespromotion and marketing. I am particularly interested in social media marketing. I am scheduled to complete my degree in the spring of 2017. As graduation gets closer, I must focus on building my personal brand. It is vital that I capture the attention of successful and high profile companies. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Problem Of Induction, And Can It Be Solved - 1513 Words

What is the problem of induction, and can it be solved? In this essay, I will highlight the problems of induction and critically assess them – arguing that. Inductive inference is not a way of reaching rationally justified conclusions; it is a leap in the dark (Jones, 1969). Inductive inferences are used throughout daily life, where we use past events to make predictions of future ones – moving from specific direct knowledge to general indirect knowledge. Inductive inferences are where the premises of an argument support or give good reason to accept the conclusion – but are not logically necessary like deductive inferences (where the negation results in contradiction). In my opinion, induction cannot be justified as it rests on several assumptions. Firstly, that an entire class of objects/events are the same and these will always act in a particular manner; and secondly, that the future will always resemble the past. This begs the question with it’s circular reasoning – because my use of induction has worked in the past it will work in the future. It uses an inductive argument to prove the validity of inductive arguments. To illustrate : P1: I have boiled water at 100â„Æ' P2: I have experienced the future resembling the past C: All water will always reach boiling point at 100â„Æ' in the future Thirdly, it relies on the assumption that nature acts in a uniform manner, and through experience we know this not to be the case (Jackson, 2005). For example, someone mightShow MoreRelatedInduction And Induction : Induction1470 Words   |  6 PagesInduction is one of the most prominent concepts within the modern scientific community. Throughout many fields; from computer science to psychology, induction is used as a way to find the most probable result of an observation. However, despite its widespread use, induction has never been effectively proved. 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